Payment methods

You have the choice of paying by internet banking, working hard on payment gateway integration. Thank you for your patience.

Platba platobnou kartou

Platba platobnou bránou ( je naozaj bezpečná, svoje údaje zadávate v zabezpečenom protokole platobnej brány a Vaše údaje o platobnej karte ostanú pre nás utajené.

Payment by Internet banking (payment by bank transfer)

Payment by bank transfer via your internet banking. When paying by bank transfer, you should expect a longer time for the payment to be credited to our account (normally 1-3 working days).

Once your order is completed, your goods are reserved and we will then send you an email with the necessary information for payment, including the variable symbol that must be specified when making the payment.

The moment the payment is credited to our account, we start shipping the order.

Platby platobnými kartami pre nás zabezpečuje

Poznámka k elektronickým platbám

V žiadnom prípade sa nedostaneme k Vašim prihlasovacím údajom k účtu či údajom o Vašej karte, tie vypĺňate vždy až na zabezpečenej stránke príslušnej banky.