Warranty period
The standard warranty period for goods is 24 months unless otherwise stated. In the case of second hand and second hand goods, at least 6 months. The warranty period begins on the date of receipt of the goods by the buyer. Warranty service is provided by the operator of the online shop.
Second hand and second hand goods are goods that are marked as such (Second Hand) and sold in our online shop. Such goods may be used, but are free from defects and damages that would prevent the proper use of the product, unless otherwise stated.
We evaluate the condition of all used and second-hand audio and audiovisual media offered by us strictly in accordance with the internationally recognized standard – Goldmine Grading Standard.
The buyer does not have the right to claim
- a defect in the goods for which the purchase price has been reduced or agreed
- for wear and tear caused by the normal use of the goods
- in the case of second-hand and second-hand goods, the defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear and tear which the goods had when they were taken over by the buyer, or if this is apparent from the nature of the goods
- if, before taking delivery of the goods, the buyer knew that the goods were defective, or if the buyer himself caused the defect
Incompleteness of the shipment or damage to the goods
Incompleteness of the shipment or damage to the goods in transit must be reported within 3 days of receipt of the shipment by e-mail to reklamacie@divertrecords.sk or by phone at + 421 919 226 188. Later claims of incompleteness of the shipment or mechanical damage to the goods can only be accepted if the buyer proves that the goods already had the claimed defects at the time of receipt.
How to send us the goods
If you wish to make a complaint, please contact us in advance. After agreement with us, please send the claimed goods to the address U zeměpisného ústavu 918/8, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic.
Please do not send us goods on delivery. We recommend that you send the goods by registered mail. Please enclose a copy of the tax document – the invoice we sent you in the parcel with the goods and a copy of the delivery receipt issued by the carrier. If the goods were purchased by personal sale, please enclose a copy of the tax receipt issued to you at the time of personal sale.
Upon receipt of the claimed goods, we will contact you immediately, but no later than within 3 working days by e-mail or telephone and arrange with you a quick resolution of the claim. We will deal with the claim as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from the date of the claim, unless we agree on a longer period. We will inform you of the outcome of the claim immediately after the end of the claim procedure by e-mail or telephone and will deliver a claim report with a statement of how the claim has been handled.
Identification of the defect
In accordance with the law, we will process the complaint in one of the following ways:
- exchange of goods
- repair of goods
- by refunding the purchase price of the goods
- by granting a reasonable discount on the purchase price of the goods
- by written invitation to take over the performance
- reasoned rejection of a claim for goods
We are obliged to remove the defects without undue delay or, at your request, to exchange the goods for a new piece, or we will provide other goods of your choice up to the value of the goods claimed. If the defect is irremediable and prevents the proper use of the item as if it were free of defects, you have the right to exchange the goods or to withdraw from the contract. In the event of withdrawal, we will refund the purchase price in full within 14 days.
The cost of returning the claimed goods and supplying new goods
According to the law, we can only reject a claim made during the first 12 months after the conclusion of the contract of sale on the basis of an expert’s opinion. We shall bear the full costs of the expert’s assessment.
In the event of our rejection of a claim for goods after 12 months from the conclusion of the contract of sale, we are obliged to state in the protocol for the handling of the claim the contact details of the expert to whom you can send the goods for expert assessment. If you exercise your right to have the goods assessed according to the documented contact, the cost of the expert assessment of the goods as well as all other costs reasonably incurred in connection therewith, irrespective of the outcome of the expert assessment, shall be borne by us. In the event that we are found to be liable for the defect of the goods claimed, you may re-claim and in such case we cannot reject the re-claim. Within 14 days of the date of the reasserted claim, we shall reimburse you for all costs incurred for the professional assessment of the goods as well as for all related costs reasonably incurred.
The warranty period does not expire and is automatically extended by this period during the period of processing the claim or carrying out a professional assessment of the goods.
Alternatívne riešenie sporov
V prípade, že kupujúci nie je spokojný s vybavením objednávky, dodaným tovarom alebo službami predávajúceho, má právo túto skutočnosť oznámiť na email reklamacie@divertrecords.sk. Pokiaľ reklamácia nebude vybavená k spokojnosti kupujúceho alebo ak sa kupujúci domnieva, že mohli byť porušené jeho práva, môže podľa zákona 391/2015 Z.z. podať návrh na začatie alternatívneho riešenia sporu.
K alternatívnemu riešeniu spotrebiteľských sporov z kúpnej zmluvy je príslušná Slovenská obchodná inšpekcia, so sídlom P. O. BOX 29, Bajkalská 21/A, 827 99 Bratislava, internetová adresa: soi.sk. Platformu pre riešenie sporov on-line, je možné využiť pri riešení sporov medzi predávajúcim a kupujúcim z kúpnej zmluvy.
Európske spotrebiteľské centrum SR, so sídlom Mlynské nivy 44/A 827 15, Bratislava 212, je kontaktným miestom podľa Nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) č. 524/2013 z 21. mája 2013 o riešení spotrebiteľských sporov on-line a dopĺňa nariadenie (ES) č. 2006/2004 a smernice 2009/22 / ES (nariadenie o riešení spotrebiteľských sporov on-line).