The new EP from Montreal/Berlin based label Parages Music is a collection of deep and percussive jams from Jonattan Levingstone.
A well balanced EP, where the groove is constent with diverse influences from Afro elements, dub techno and detroit house.
On the flip side,Billie is a Deep House stunner with Detroit style keyboards, subtle tribal elements and secret, not so secret Soulfull vocal sample that will get stuck in your head for hours. Contributing to the EP is canadian house prodigy. The Mole, working a robotic and groovy remix of Billie.
Parages is a Montreal based music label having for goal to make discover a seedbed of local producers sharing a common love for the electronic “groove” and surrealist sound landscapes.
The production is underground here, not in its inaccessibility, but in the way in which it was conceived: with against current of the generic electronic productions.Here the music is about sharing and experimentations. The majority of the producers result at the same time from the world of the "impromptu" music of the noise scene that the pop one to be described now through dancing electronic compositions.
It is difficult to put under only one kind the music here presents, which makes all the richness of these compositions.